Saturday, December 23, 2017

圣诞烤鸡 Christmas Roasted Chicken



材料 :

全鸡  1只

玉蜀黍  2根 (切4段)
红萝卜 2条(切块)
马铃薯 3个(去皮,切块)
番茄  3粒(切块)
蒜头  1整颗(横切一半)

调味料 : 黑胡椒碎,盐,橄榄油 (各适量)

腌料 :黑胡椒碎,盐,蚝油

做法 :

1.  将鸡只洗净抹干,均匀涂抹上腌料,腌制隔夜。
2. 在烤盘上倒些橄榄油,放入玉蜀黍、红萝卜、马铃薯、番茄和蒜头,撒上盐和黑胡椒,搅拌均匀。
3. 把腌好的鸡放在蔬菜上面,放入预热烤箱180°C,烤1个小时至熟即可。

Christmas Roasted Chicken

Ingredients :

1 whole chicken
2 sweet corns, cut into 4
2 carrots, cut into pieces
3 potatoes, peeled,cut into pieces
3 tomatoes, cut into pieces
1 bulb of garlic, cut in half

Seasoning : black pepper,salt,olive oil

To marinate chicken : black pepper,salt,oyster sause

Method :

1. Rub the chicken with the marinades. Keep in fridge for overnight.
2. Put some olive oil on baking pan, arrange in the sweet corns, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes and garlic, spread some salt and black pepper, mix well. 
3. Place the chicken on top of the vegetables. Roast in preheated oven at 180C for 60 minutes.