Tuesday, August 15, 2017

花生煎堆 Sesame Seed Balls with Peanut Filling




糯米粉  140 
苏打粉  1/8茶匙
细砂糖  20
牛奶  130

白芝麻  适量

馅料 :

炒香花生碎  100
细砂糖  25
溶化奶油  45

做法 :

1. 将所有馅料混合均匀,平均分成10份,搓圆。
2. 把所有材料混合均匀成软面团,平均分成10份。
3. 取一小面团,压扁,包入一份馅料,搓圆。
4. 煎堆表面粘些水,再粘满白芝麻粒。
5. 放入热油里,以中火炸至金黄色,捞起沥干油份即可。

Sesame Seed Balls with Peanut Filling

Ingredients :

140g glutinous rice flour
1/8tsp baking soda
20g castor sugar
130g milk

Some white sesame seed

Filling :

100g fried chopped peanut
25g castor sugar
45g melted butter

Method :

1. Mix all the filling ingredients, divide into 10 portion.
2. Mix all ingredients for skin and knead to form a soft dough, divide into 10 portion.
3. Wrap in peanuts filling and form into a ball.
4. Dip the ball into water and coat with sesame seeds.
5. Heat up oil, deep-fried the glutinous balls until golden brown, dish and drain.