Wednesday, April 26, 2017

菠菜沙葛包 Steamed Spinach Turnip Buns


包子皮材料 :

包粉 250克
細砂糖 50
盐 少许
即溶干酵母 1茶
白油 25
菠菜汁 120克(菠菜加水搅烂,取汁)
泡打粉 1/2大匙

做法 :

1. 将所有材料(除了泡打粉)混合均匀,搓揉成团。
2. 加入泡打粉,揉成光滑面团盖上湿布松弛10分钟。
3. 分割成10份,搓圆擀平,舀入馅料,折成叶形包子 
4. 排放在蒸笼里,20-30分钟。
5. 待水滚后,以大火蒸10分钟即可。

沙葛内馅 :

沙葛 400克(刨丝)
红萝卜 1条(刨丝)
香菇 2朵(浸软,切丝)
虾米  20(浸软,剁碎)
蒜茸 大匙

 : 盐,椒粉


1. 烧油,爆香蒜茸和虾米。 
2. 加入香菇丝和红萝卜丝炒香
4. 加入调味料拌炒均匀,盛起,备用。

Steamed Spinach Turnip Buns

Skin ingredients 

250g pau flour
50g sugar
a pinch of salt
1 tsp instant yeast
25g shortening
120g spinach juice (blend the spinach with some water, strain out 120g spinach juice)
1/2 tbsp baking powder

Method :

1. Mix all the skin ingredients (except the baking powder).
2. Add in baking powder and knead to form a smooth and elastic dough, rest for 10 minutes.
3. Divide the dough into 10 portions. Flatten dough and wrap in filling, shape.
4. Place onto steamer and allow to prove for another 20-30 minutes.
5. Steam the pao under rapidly boiling water on high heat for 10 minutes.


400g sweet turnip (shredded )
1 carrot (shredded) 
2 chinese mushroom (shredded)
20g dried shrimp (soaked and chopped)
1 tbsp chopped garlic

Seasoning: salt, oyster sauce, pepper


1. Heat up oil, saute garlic and dried shrimps until fragrant.
2. Add mushroom and carrot stir well.
3. Add in sweet turnip and stir fry until softens.
4. Add seasoning and stir fry to combine, dish out