Wednesday, January 11, 2017

花生腰果酥饼 Peanut & Cashew Nut Cookies




花生米  100克 (炒香)
面粉  100克
细砂糖  45克
盐  1/4小匙
花生油  50-60克
腰果  20粒



1. 将炒香花生米放入搅拌机打成花生粉。
2. 面粉过筛后,加入糖、盐、花生粉。
3. 拌匀后再加入花生油,揉成团。
4. 将面团分成小圆球排放在烤盘上。
5. 放上腰果,刷上蛋黄液。
6. 放入预热烤箱170度,中层烤20分钟左右。

Peanut & Cashew Nut Cookies

Ingredients :

100g peanuts (toasted)
100g flour
45g caster sugar
1/4tsp salt
50-60g peanut cooking oil
20 cashew nut

Greasing and topping:egg's yolk


1. Ground the peanuts until fine.
2. Combine with sifted flours,sugar and salt.
3. Add in peanut cooking oil,mix until forms dough.
4. Roll the dough into ball shapes,arrange into baking tray.
5. Decorate with a piece of cashew nut on top and brush with egg’s yolk.
6. Bake in preheated oven 170'C for 20 minutes.

(Recipe adapted from here)