Wednesday, September 21, 2016

甘榜虾煎 Hometown Prawn Fritters


材料 :

小虾  300克
面粉  500克
水  650毫升
韭菜  100克 (切小段)
豆芽  150克
红萝卜丝  80克
葱头仔碎  2大匙

腌料 :

盐  1/2小匙
胡椒粉  1/4小匙

调味料 :

鸡蛋  1粒
盐  1小匙
糖  1/2小匙
黄姜粉  1/2小匙
油  50毫升

炸油  4杯

做法 :

1. 把虾洗干净滤干水,加入腌料拌匀腌1小时,备用。
2. 把面粉加入水拌匀成浓糊,加入调味料拌匀,加入韭菜、豆芽、红萝卜和葱头仔拌匀。
3. 烧热油,把木柄钢勺放入油烧热,把调好的面糊舀入勺里,放上腌好的虾。
4. 放入油里用中火炸至定形,轻轻摇至脱下,继续炸至两面金黄色。
5. 捞起滤干油,配上辣椒酱享用。

Hometown Prawn Fritters

Ingredients :

300g small prawns
500g plain flour
650ml water
100g chives,cut into short sections
150g bean sprouts
80g shredded carrot
2tbsp chopped shallots

Marinade :

1/2tsp salt
1/4tsp pepper

Seasoning :

1 egg
1tsp salt
1/2tsp sugar
1/2tsp turmeric powder
50ml oil

4 cups oil for deep-frying

Method :

1. Clean the prawns and drain well. Mix with marinade and season for 1 hour. Set aside.
2. Combine plain flour and water and mix into a thick batter. Add in seasoning and stir well. Add in chives,sprouts,carrot and shallots and stir well.
3. Heat up oil for deep-frying,dip a wooden handle ladle into the hot oil to heat up. Spoon the batter into the ladle and place a small prawn on top.
4. Deep-fry in oil with medium heat until the batter can leave the ladle. Continue frying until golden brown on both sides.
5. Dish and drain. Serve with chili sauce.

(Recipe adapted from Yum Yum Magazine 97th)