Monday, July 25, 2016

鲜奶馒头 Milk Mantou (Chinese Steamed Buns)



材料 : 8份 

牛奶  140 
即溶酵母  3

包粉  250克
细砂糖  20
粟米油  5

做法 : 

1. 先将牛奶和酵母搅拌融化。加入所有材料,搓揉成光滑面团,松弛5分钟。
2. 面团擀开成长方形,刷上清水,卷成圆柱状,再分割成等份,摆放在纸上。 
3. 将面团放入蒸内,盖上蒸盖,进行最后约30-45分钟。 
4. 大火蒸约15分钟熄火,不要立刻打开锅盖,锅盖打开个一个小缝,5分钟后才把锅盖打开。


Ingredients : makes 8

140g milk 
3g instant yeast 

250g pao flour 
20g  castor sugar
5g corn oil

Method : 

1. Mix instant yeast with milk till dissolved. Add in all ingredients,knead into a smooth dough.
2. Roll out the dough into rectangle shape,brush some water,roll into dough like a swiss roll and cut into 8 pieces.
3. Place on steamerprove the dough for 30-45 minutes in the steamer. 
4. Steam at high heat for 15 minutesturn off fire, allow buns to sit inside for another 5 minutes before opening lid.