Tuesday, June 14, 2016

马来栈炸鸡 Belacan Fried Chicken



鸡肉块  约500克
炸油   适量 

烘香马来栈粉   3汤匙
蒜头汁   1汤匙
葱头仔汁   1汤匙
黄姜汁    1茶
盐   1汤匙
糖   1汤匙
黍粉   1汤匙

**  料可以随着个人的口味加减


1.  将鸡肉块加入腌料拌匀,放入冰箱腌隔夜或至少2小时。
2.  烧热食油,放入腌好鸡肉,慢火炸至金黄熟透,捞起,滤干油份即可。 

Belacan Fried Chicken 

Ingredients : 

500g chicken,cleaned and cut into pieces

cooking oil for deep-frying

For marinate Adjust to according to your preference.

3tbsp grilled belacan 
1tbsp garlic juice
1tbsp shallot juice
1tsp fresh turmeric (kunyit) juice
1tbsp salt 
1tbsp sugar
1tbsp corn flour

Method : 

1. Marinate chicken for at least two hour. 
2. Heat up oil,deep fry the chicken until cooked and golden brown. Dish and drian.

(Recipe from here)