Tuesday, May 24, 2016

苦瓜红枣汤 Bitter Gourd with Red Dates Soup


材料 :

苦瓜  2条 (切开去籽,切段)
红萝卜  1条 (去皮,切块)
红枣  15颗
鸡肉块/排骨  500克
清水  2公升 或 适量

调味料: 适量的盐 

做法 :

1. 鸡肉块或排骨用热水浸泡15分钟,滤干水份。
2. 锅里注入清水,把所有材料放入锅内。
3. 以大火煮滚, 再转小火煲约1小时。
4. 加入适量盐调味即可

Bitter Gourd with Red Dates Soup

Ingredients :

2 bitter gourd,remove seeds and cut into sections
1 carrot,peeled and cut into chunks
15 red dates
500g chicken/pork ribs
2 liters water 

salt to taste 

Method : 

1. Blanch chicken/pork ribs in boiling water for 15 mins. Drain. 
2. Put all ingredients into soup pot.
3. Bring to boil in high heat. Turn to low heat continue to boil for 1 hour. 
4. Add salt to taste.