Friday, April 29, 2016

韭黄炒虾仁 Fried Yellow Chives with Shrimps


韭黄  200克
虾仁  150克
红辣椒  1条 (切丝) 
蒜茸  1汤匙

调味料 :  盐 适量

做法 :

1. 虾仁去壳,去肠泥,清洗干净。
2. 韭黄洗净切段。
3. 热油锅,爆香蒜茸,放入虾仁拌炒。
4. 加入韭黄和辣椒翻炒。 
5. 下适量的盐调味拌炒均匀即可盛起。 

Fried Yellow Chives with Shrimps

Ingredients :

200g yellow chives
150g prawns
1 red chilli,shredded
1 tbsp chopped garlic

salt as required

Method :
1. Shelled prawn, deveined and washed.
2. Yellow chives cut into sections.
3. Heat up oil,sauté chopped garlic till fragrant,add in prawns and stir well.
4. Add in yellow chives,red chilli and stir fry.
5. Add salt and stir-fry until well mixed. Dish up.