Saturday, March 26, 2016

蜂蜜乳酪蛋糕 Honey Cheesecake

材料 : 8寸脱底蛋糕模

牛奶  100克
奶油乳酪  200克
无盐奶油  60克
蜂蜜  60克
蛋黃  4个 
低筋面粉  40克
玉米粉  20克

蛋白  4个
细砂糖  100克

可可粉  少许
黑可可粉  少许 

做法 :

1. 奶油乳酪切小块,加入牛奶隔水加热,搅拌至无颗粒状。
2. 离火把无盐奶油加入搅拌均勻。
3. 接着加入蜂蜜,蛋黄混合均匀。
4. 加入过筛的粉类,搅拌至无颗粒状。
5. 蛋白打至粗泡,分次加入细砂糖,打至湿性发泡。
6. 取1/3打发的蛋白霜,加入乳酪面糊中,用打蛋器由底往上翻拌均匀。

7. 倒入剩余的2/3蛋白糊中,以刮刀切拌均匀。
8. 将面糊倒入模具里,抹平表面轻顿数下。
9. 分別舀1大匙的蛋糕糊在两个碗中,再加入可可粉,调匀成深浅可可蛋糕糊,裝入挤花袋中。
9. 在表面画上浅色花紋,再画深色。
10. 水浴法,以180度,烤10-15分钟烤上色,再降溫上下火120度,烤50分钟后即可出炉待涼,放入冰箱冷藏2-3小時后即可享用。 (时间与温度方面可依自家的烤箱而做调整)  

Honey Cheesecake

Ingredients 8” round pan with removable base

100g milk
200g cream cheese 
60g unsalted butter
60g honey
4 egg yolks
40g cake flour 
20g corn flour

4 egg whites
100g caster sugar

cocoa powder
dark cocoa powder 


1. Cut the cream cheese into chunksadd in milkdouble boil with low heat. 
2. Add in unsalted butter mix until smooth.
3. Add in honey and egg yolks mix until thoroughly combined.
4. Fold in sifted flour and mix until well blended.  
5. Beat egg white till frothy and add in the sugar, in 3 batches. 
Beating till shiny peaks. 
6. Add 1/3 egg white meringue into egg yolk batter and fold well.  
7. Pour the batter back to the 2/3 egg  white meringue and fold into a smooth batter.
8. Pour the batter into the 8" round cake mould and level surface of batter, tap pan on table a few times to remove additional bubbles.
9. Scoop 1 tbsp batter into each 2 small bowls,add in the cocoa powder to mix into two shades of browns. Transfer the brown mixture into piping bag.
10. Draw out the leopard pattern.
11. Using water bath method,180 degrees for 10-15 mins,then 120 degrees,celcius top and bottom heat for 50 mins. Refrigerate for about 2-3 hours. Cut into slices and serve. 
(Recipe adapted from here)

 This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (March 2015 Event: Honey) 
organized by Zoe (Bake for Happy Kids) and Doreen (My Little Favourite DIY) and 
hosted by Joyce (