Wednesday, February 24, 2016

韩式麻磁面包 Korean Mochi Bread



材料 : 可做10个

韩国面包预拌粉  250
高筋面粉  55
糖粉  10
烤香黑芝麻  30克
粟米油  45克
鸡蛋  1(AA)
酱油  5克
牛奶  100克 

做法 : 

1.  将所有的材料放入搅拌机里, 以慢速搅拌至无颗粒团状, 转以中速继续搅打至5分钟成软团。
2.  盖上一块湿布, 静置10分钟。 
3.  取出面团,放在撒有面粉或涂抹油份的工作台上以防沾黏,平分成10等份 (每份约50克)。
4.  手上沾些油或粉, 滚圆面团并排放在烤盘里, 最后再静置10分钟。
5.  将面包放入预热烤箱里(以175度,预热10分钟), 烘烤5分钟后, 打开烤箱, 在面包表面喷水。 然后, 继续烘烤5分钟后, 再次打开烤箱,再度喷水。
6.  最后, 调低烤箱的温度至160度, 继续烘烤30分钟即可。 

Korean Mochi Bread 

Ingredients : yields 10 buns 

250g korean bread mix flour 
55g HP flour
10g Maltitol sugar powder or castor sugar
30g roasted black sesame
45g corn oil
1 egg (AA)
5g light soy sauce
100g fresh milk

Method : 

1.  Place all the ingredients into the a breadmarker,  mix well for about 20 minutes. 
2.  Cover with wet cloth, let rest for 10 minutes. 
3.  Transfer the dough to a clean floured surface (to prevent sticking),  divide into 10 equal portions (50g each).  
4.  Pat your hand with some flour or oil , shape it into round balls and place it on a tray, let rest for 10 minutes.
5.  Bake in preheated oven at 175C for 5 minutes (pre-heat your oven at 175C for 10 minutes), then spray with some water on the dough.  Bake for another 5 minutes, and spray with some water again.
6.  Lower the temperature to 160C and continue to bake for another 30 minutes. 
7.  Best to eat when hot and crispy.

(Recipe adapted from 厨苑食谱, 拥有幸福的味道