Monday, January 4, 2016

香辣柠檬鲜虾意大利面 Spaghetti with Prawns & Lemon



材料: 2人份

意大利面  200g
橄榄油  3tbsp
蒜头 10瓣(剁碎)
小辣椒  6条
柠檬皮屑  1粒
鲜虾  10只(去虾壳,肠泥)
红萝卜  1/2个 (切丝)
蟹柳  4根 (切)
鲍鱼菇  100g (洗净,撕小片)

调味料 :

盐  适量
黑胡椒碎  适量
柠檬汁  50-80ml


1. 煮滚一锅水,加入1tbsp盐和1tbsp油,放入意大利面,烫软,捞起沥干水份。
2. 烧热油,爆香蒜头。加入虾仁、辣椒、红萝卜和柠檬皮屑,炒匀。
3. 加入蟹柳和鲍鱼菇拌炒约1分钟。
4. 把意大利面加入,炒均匀,若面条太干可加入适量水。
5. 然后加入柠檬汁、盐和黑胡椒调味。盛起,乘热享用。

Spaghetti with Prawns & Lemon

Ingredients : Serves 2

200g spaghetti
3tbsp olive oil
10 garlic cloves,chopped
6 chillies
grated zest from 1 lemon
10 prawns,deveined and shelled
1/2 carrot,shredded
4 crab stick,diced
100g oyster mushroom,separated into pieces


some salt and black pepper
50-80ml lemon juice


1. Bring a pot of water to the boil and add 1tbsp salt and 1tbsp oil. Add spaghetti in the boiling water,cooked till al dante and drained.
2. Heat up olive oil,stir-fry garlic till fragrant. Add prawns,chillies,carrot and lemon zest stir until cooked.
3. Add crab stick and oyster mushroom and stir-fry for about a minute.
4. Add in spaghetti,fry till combine,add in some water if it's too dry. 
5. Season with lemon juice,salt and black pepper. Dish up and serve immediately.