Thursday, November 26, 2015

芒果玫瑰馒头 Mango Rose Buns




包粉  250g
芒果泥  80g
清水  100-110g
即溶酵母  3g
细砂糖  20g
玉米油  10g


1. 将所有材料混合,搓揉成光滑有弹性面团,松弛5分钟。
2. 把面团分割成每份100g,揉圆。再把小面团分割成5份,搓圆。
3. 杆成圆形薄片,叠成一排,由下往上卷起并切半就形成二朵玫瑰花。
4. 放在包纸上,放进蒸炉内,进行最后发酵约20-30分钟。
5. 待水滚后,用大火蒸约15分钟即可,熄火。让馒头在锅里静置5分钟才掀开锅盖,取出。

Mango Rose Buns

Ingredients : 

250g pau flour
80g mango puree
100-110g water
3g instant yeast
20g caster sugar
10g corn oil


1. Add all ingredients in a mixing bowl mix well and knead till smooth. Set aside to rest for 5mins. 
2. Divide dough into 20gm each, roll out into a round and flat piece. 
3. Stack 5 pieces of flattened dough, overlapping one another. Start rolling from the first piece on the bottom and then halve the dough using a knife.
4. Place rose shaped buns upright on a piece of paper. 
5. Put the buns in a steamer and proof for 20-30mins.

6. Steam on high heat for 15 mins. Wait for 5mins then only open the lid and remove from the steamer.
